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►Le CERVCO (Centre de Référence pour les maladies rares des Vaisseaux du Cerveau et de l'Oeil / Translation : Reference Center for rare diseases of the Brain and the Eye Vessels)
Head office:
Hôpital Lariboisière
Service de Neurologie
2 rue Ambroise Paré
F75010 PARIS - France
In France, the CERVCO is the reference center for CADASIL. It was created in 2007 within the national program for rare diseases. Its missions consist in defining rules for the diagnostic, follow-up, treatment of diseases belonging to its scope, as well as coordinating Research programs, medical networks, nationwide information of medical professionals, patients and families.
►L'Alliance maladies rares
The Alliance maladies rares is a federation grouping 193 associations, representing 2000 rare diseases.
Note: Cadasil France is affiliated to the Alliance maladies rares.
Orphanet is the european portal for rare diseases.
Note: Cadasil France website is hosted on Orphanet servers, with sponsorship of la Fondation Groupama pour la Santé.
► Eurordis

An european Federation grouping more than 380 associations of patients and national alliances, being the voice of the 30 millions patients affected by the rare diseases throughout Europe.
Creation date : 18/03/2009 @ 10:24
Last update : 03/01/2016 @ 21:43
Category : Our association
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